Treaty of Lausanne

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The Treaty of Lausanne is signed by the Allies and Turkey, the successor state to the Ottoman Empire. It supersedes the failed Treaty of Sèvres and offically ends the First World War.

Treaty of Sèvres

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The Treaty of Sèvres is signed by the Allies and the Ottoman Empire. The treaty is not recognised by the Turkish national movement, which considers the Constantinople (now Istanbul) government illegitimate.

Treaty of Trianon

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The Treaty of Trianon is signed by the Allies and newly-independent Hungary.

League of Nations approved

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At the Paris Peace Conference a proposal to create the League of Nations, an open diplomatic forum, is accepted.

Paris Peace Conference begins

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A peace conference opens in Paris to negotiate treaties between the Allies and the defeated Central Powers. Many view the terms of the treaties as excessively punitive.

Yugoslavia formed

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Yugoslavia is formed by merging Serbia with several territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Czechoslovakia formed

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Czechoslovakia is formed by merging several territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Brest-Litovsk Treaty

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Leon Trotsky signs a punitive peace treaty with Germany on behalf of Bolshevik Russia.

British women given vote

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The Representation of the People Act 1918 is given Royal Assent, giving the vote to women over 30.

President Wilson’s Fourteen Points

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US President Woodrow Wilson publishes his ‘Fourteen Points’ outlining a post-war world based on free trade, open diplomacy, democracy and self-determination.

Easter Rising

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Irish Republicans mount an unsuccessful rising in Dublin against British rule in Ireland.

Lusitania sunk

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The British liner ‘Lusitania‘ is sunk off the south coast of Ireland by a German U-boat. The loss of over 120 American lives causes a storm of protest in the United States.

Maritz Rebellion

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A Boer rebellion, led by General Manie Maritz against South Africa’s support for Britain and its invasion of German South-West Africa, is eventually suppressed.

Britain declares war on Germany

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Britain declares war on Germany following the latter’s violation of the Treaty of London (1839), which guaranteed Belgian neutrality.

Germany warns Russia

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Germany warns Russia to cease mobilisation despite the latter’s claim that this is only aimed against the Austro-Hungarians.

Germany backs Austria-Hungary

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Germany assures Austria-Hungary of its support against Russia should the latter oppose Austria’s planned attack on Serbia.

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

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The heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, is assassinated by a Bosnian Serb in Sarajevo. The Austro-Hungarians blame the Serbs and seek revenge.